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Holly Meadows School

Life at Holly Meadows School Life at Holly Meadows School Life at Holly Meadows School


September 2024

Class Name

Year Groups

Class Teachers

Support Staff

Puffins Reception / Y1

Mrs White 

Miss Sycamore

Mrs Spooner

Mrs Nelligan


Year 1 / 2

Mr Newton

 Miss Key

 Avocets Year 3 /4 Mrs Aston Whitmore 

Mrs Dye 

Mrs Bunting 

Miss Rust

Oystercatchers Year 4 / 5

Mrs Seymour

Miss Roberts

Mrs Rose

Mrs Dewing

Miss Rust


Year 5 / 6 Mr Danes

Miss Daultrey 

Mrs Wildsmith-Garton is our Headteacher, SENDCo and Safeguarding lead.

Mrs White, Mrs Riviere, Mrs Nelson and Mrs Aston-Whitmore are also Safeguarding Leads.

Mrs Riviere leads our Thrive support programme at Holly Meadows. Mrs Dewing is also a Thrive practitioner.

Mrs Rose leads PE across the school and teaches PE for at least one session in Years 1-6 every week. 

Mrs Aston-Whitmore is our Curriculum Co-ordinator.

Our MSA's are Mrs Corder, Miss Key, Miss Lake,  Mrs Nicholls, Mr Wightman, Miss Rust and Miss Daultrey.

Our wrap around care staff are: Mrs Nelson, Mrs Lake, Mrs Nicholls, Ms Staff and Miss Key. 


School Office Admin Miss Gemma Whiley
Mrs Suzanne Nelson
Site Manager Mr Stuart Wightman

Mrs Lorraine Tuffs

Miss Libby Hughes

Cook Mrs Nicola Cartwright