Avocets Home Learning
Avocets Spring Term Home Learning – 2 week programme
Here is a selection of Oak Academy lessons for you to do if you have to stay home and isolate.
Try and complete one maths lesson and one English lesson each morning and then a topic lesson in the afternoon.
Upload your work to dojo so we can see what you have been up to and reward you with dojos!
Have fun! 😊
Year 2 - Here are 15 maths lessons that focus on multiplication and division using the 3 and 4 times tables.
Year 3 – Here are 15 maths lessons focussing on multiplication and division facts.
Year 2 – Here are 10 English lessons. You will be writing a set of instructions.
Year 3 – Here are 15 English lessons. You will be watching an advert about a man on the moon and then using the ideas to write your own narrative.
Year 2 – In school we are learning about World War 2 and what life was like during the years 1939 – 1945. This set of history lessons will extend your learning and take you from the 1960s to present day. You will be finding out how music, toys, food, transport and communication have changed.
Year 3 –In school we are learning about how World War 2 affected European countries. This set of Geography lessons will help you learn more about the continent of Europe.