Science at Holly Meadows
What does Science look like at Holly Meadows?
At Holly Meadows we aim to provide a Science education that encourages children’s natural inquisitive natures, inspires them to develop their knowledge and ask questions about the world around them. This meets our vision of children becoming lifelong learners.
Working scientifically is a key part of our curriculum which enables children to develop the essential skills needed to successfully plan, carry out and analyse scientific theories and ideas, which in turn leads to a developing knowledge and understanding of the key areas of learning.
We frequently use our outstanding outdoor environment to enhance our Science lessons. This is in the form of our gardening area, pond and school forest. Our school provides further enrichment in the form of Forest School lessons.
Our Science lessons
Puffins Class - EYFS / Year 1
Kittiwakes Class - Year 1/2
Images to follow
Avocets Class - Year 3/4
Images to follow
Oystercatchers Class - Year 4/5
Images to follow
Guillemots Class - Year 5/6
Images to follow
Our Science Books
Images to follow
Puffins (EYFS/Year 1)
Kittiwakes (Year 1/2)
Avocets (Year 3/4)
Oystercatchers (Year 4/5)
Guillemots (Year 5/6)
Two year rolling curriculum
Intent, Impact, Implementation
To follow soon
Resources working scientifically progression
Knowledge progression