What does DT look like at Holly Meadows?
At Holly Meadows we aim to provide a Design Technology education that engages, inspires and challenges children to be innovative and creative thinkers.
Through our two-year rolling curriculum, we equip children with the knowledge and skills to enable them to design, create and evaluate their own products.
Pupils learn how to take risks, becoming resourceful and enterprising citizens. Through the evaluation of past and present design and technology, they develop a critical understanding of its impact on daily life and the wider world.
Design Technology in Puffins Class - EYFS/Year 1 & Kittiwakes Class - Year 1/2
Design Technology in Avocets Class - Year 3/4
Design Technology in Oystercatchers Class - Year 4/5
Images coming soon
Design Technology in Guillemots Class - Year 5/6
We follow a two-year rolling curriculum.
Two-year rolling curriculum
Intent, implementation, impact
Progression of skills